Saturday, January 3, 2009

First Look

Click on the Icon above to read a page from my new, upcoming novel.


cari said...

Hey that page looks alot like the page from the book i have been writing. Did you take it from my book???? Haha just kidding. Well of course you already knew that but it looks good so far. But maybe you should change Vanessa's name to Cari. kidding again. i like Vanessa and I think I know where you got that name from.:>)

B. R. Griffin said...

No, actually, I just pulled the name out of my head. I wrote the characters far before I knew any Vanessa's. I picked normal but yet original and good names for my book. And most the names I came up with when I was 11 or 12 years old.

In fact, here are the names of some of the main characters that are actually not named after someone I know: Vanessa, Elle, Bobert, Alexia.

But there are tons named after people I do know: Melvin, Ryan, Eli, Todd, Sorenson, even a few side names, like Elison, or Justin (who is only mentioned in Book 1, but will play a bigger role in the second book).