Monday, March 23, 2009

The Grand City

I have come across a problem in writing. The most important place in my entire book, maybe series, has no name yet!

It is the capital city of the entire galaxy. It is very majestic, full of life, and huge skyscrapers greater than any known. When the sun is setting, the city reflects the gleam and appears to be made of solid gold. It is a beautiful city, surrounded by vegetation. Trade, commerce, social life, happens in this great city of such a peaceful planet. The planet is called Ethosious. (E-thO-see-us) There is an image of it on my first post.

What I need is some good ideas for a name that goes along with that. __________, Ethosious.

Any ideas?


GRIFJR said...

The city of Diffident or Reticent both meaning modest or plain, which is funny because the whole city sounds like the opposite.

Other ideas are:

Safe Haven
Anodyne (safe)
Insipid (dull)
Banal (ordinay, dull)
Facile (simple)
Nadir (bottom)
Culmin Nation (culmination - peak)
Hautuer (haughtiness)
Vain or Vein

That is all I have...

Amy Brown said...

Jeremy and I were just wondering the other day what the name of your book was! haha

Amy Brown said...

Jeremy also likes the name vain, along with Ymerej. He says that he will think about some names and get back to you...just to warn you, some of them might be in a different language! Love ya!

B. R. Griffin said...

Just give me the language and the translation.

But don't you think vain is just a little.... well vain? jk